Puppy introduction, introducing your puppy to grooming at 12 weeks old.
Small Breed Full Groom.
Medium Breed Full Groom
Large & Giant Breeds Full Groom
Hand Stripping
From £15.00
From £38.00
From £43.00
From £50.00
From £55.00
All prices, depends on the size of dog, the condition of the coat and the behaviour of your dog, this is to be agreed at the time of booking.
Full Groom Includes:
Consultation prior to grooming to assess dogs requirements
Health check (eyes, skin, parasites)
Anal Gland Expression (external)
Hand Drying then Blow Dry
Brushing Through
Nails clipped or grinded
Ears cleaned and (if needed) plucked
Sanitary area clean and tided
Clipping and scissor styling
Scent spritz
Microchipping Single dog £10/ Litter £9 each
Scanning £35
Cytology £40 repeat £20
Mating ( two matings ) £100